Sunday, October 21, 2007

Eat, Pray, Love

I read this on Liz's recommendation. I took it with me on my trip to DC, and it was the perfect vacation book.

I was a bit worried at first. I don't have anything in common with her. I'm not a well-paid writer; I'm not facing a devstating and painful divorce; I'm not able to take a year of my life off to live in three different countries.

Turns out I shouldn't have worried. My favorite section was the one set in Rome. I would love to spend three months eating my way through Rome, sampling every gelato place I can find. I didn't really like the section set in India. Spending months in a hot, spartan ashram learning how to reach a trascendtal state isn't my cup of tea.

On the whole, though, I enjoyed the book, often laughing out loud.

1 comment:

Just Mom said...

I loved Rome too - the description of eating pizza in Sicily had me drooling on the pages.

Just found your blog and although I feel like I read a lot, you put me to shame! Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. It's a pleasure to read your ideas about the books I recognize.